EPA WaterSense Homes

WaterSense New Homes, a partnership program by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, is seeking to protect the future of the nation’s water supply. The program offers a simple way to use less water by incorporating water-efficient products to new homes and developments. The program tries to accomplish these four tasks:

  • Promote the value of water efficiency
  • Provide easy ways to save water, can be seen as a label on products as well as provide information about other water efficient products
  • Encourage new innovative technology in manufacturing
  • Reduce overall reduce water use

The WaterSense new home specifications set criteria for indoor and outdoor water efficiency.  Approximately 70 percent of water used at a home is from indoor use, so the criteria are more stringent on the indoor water use.  To become a WaterSense labeled home these are some of the requirements:

  • WaterSense labeled plumbing fixtures.  A WaterSense label product has been certified to be at least 20 percent more efficient than a normal product without sacrificing performance
    • Toilets
    • Faucets
    • Showerheads
  • Efficient hot water delivery system
  • Energy Star qualified clothes washer and dishwasher
  • Maximum service pressure of 60 psi
  • No leaks throughout the home

The inspection process can be completed by EAM typically in a single site visit. The inspection process will include looking over the inside, outside, irrigation system as well as verify the homeowner is educated on the maintenance of the home’s water-efficient features.


Here is a step by step process of achieving a WaterSense labeled home:

  • First you must join WaterSense by signing a partnership agreement. (WaterSense Partnership)
  • You then must find a licensed certification provider (EAM is a licensed certification provider) to perform inspections and certify the home.
  • Finally there is the inspection process which can be performed in one visit and will consist of 4 parts

WaterSense Inspection Process – 4 Parts:

1. Indoor Inspection:

  • Verify all WaterSense labeled products and their proper installatio
  • Perform test to ensure less than 0.5 gallons of water is wasted before hot water  arrives at fixtures
  • Confirm Energy Star qualified products that use water and their installation\

2. Outdoor Inspection:

  • Ensure that the Water Budget Tool has been used correctly and accurately, and measure the area of turf grass and water features

3. Irrigation System (if applicable):

  • Audit the irrigation system, making sure it includes a controller or soil-moisture sensor that is WaterSense certified
  • Verify that the system operates leak free

4. Knowledge of System Maintenance:

  • Verify that all manuals for all water-efficient products are provided to ensure proper maintenance
  • If irrigation system is included, must have schematic of irrigation system with itemized list of components.  Also, copies of the programmed schedules and how to reprogram

The WaterSense program is young but becoming increasingly more important as water efficiency becomes incorporated into the HERS and Energy Star ratings for new homes. For more information regarding the WaterSense program, please give us a call at 732-556-9190 and we will be more than happy to answer any questions.