EAM Associates is nationally accredited by RESNET (Residential Energy Services Network) to provide professional, independently verified analysis and inspection services for new homes to qualify under the guidelines of the EPA ENERGY STAR Homes Program, as well as state supported Energy Star new homes programs. Energy Star certification is also available for homes undergoing a gut rehab (at least one side of all exterior walls and ceilings must be stripped down to studs). EAM evaluates the heating, cooling, and hot water energy use, as well as the home’s major component loads, modeling the energy performance of the home and assigning a HERS (Home Energy Rating System) score to each home.
Here is a list of the main components of a home that we will be looking at:
- Insulation (Slab/Wall/Ceiling)
- Window Fenestration U-Factors and SHGC Values
- HVAC System
- Water Heater (Direct or Power Vented)
- Lighting
- Sealing of Duct Systems
- Air Infiltration
- Dishwasher/Refrigerator/Clothes Washer
- Mechanical Ventilation (ASHRAE 62.2)
The Energy Star Program focuses on lowering consumption of electricity and fossil fuels within the home while at the same time maintaining comfort for the occupants. The combination of these components along with the design of the home are the factors that give a home its’ HERS Index. On the HERS scale a 0 is the most efficient home (net-zero energy home), while a 100 is equivalent to a home built strictly to code.
EAM works with you through the entire process, ensuring full certification and submittal for applicable incentives.
To date, EAM has certified over 10,500 Energy Star qualified homes. As a result, these homes have helped to remove more than 52,080,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which is like:
- Removing the emissions equivalent to 4,725 cars
- Saving 36,855 barrels of oil and
- Saving 16,666,965 lbs. of coal
Here is an overview of what is included in the process (for gut rehab the process may vary, call for more information):
Become an Energy Star Partner: Sign up to become and Energy Star Partner through the Energy Star website (CLICK HERE). Fill out the registration form and use EAM Associates as your Rater. After receiving confirmation, log into your account and you will have to complete a PowerPoint presentation that describes the Energy Star process (~10-20 minutes).
Plan Analysis and Specification Upgrades: After becoming a partner and contacting EAM, we will then ask for plans and specifications for your upcoming project. From this we will perform a plan analysis using energy efficient software and be able to determine the costs of our services, as well as determine what upgrades (if any) that you will need to make in order to achieve Energy Star certification. At this point the project will also be checked to see if it is eligible for a state energy office or utility program rebate (See Rebate Section of this page for more information). Once the designs have been finalized with correct specifications we will run our final plan analysis and be able to give you a projected HERS score.
Pre-Construction on Site Meeting: Once the project is ready to begin, we require an on-site meeting with all the pertinent construction personnel (Site Superintendent, HVAC Contractor, Insulator/Air Sealer, etc.) Here we will discuss what is expected to comply with Energy Star requirements, answer questions from the trades, and ensure all construction team members are on the same page.
Pre-Drywall Inspection: Next will come the first of two inspections required for certification. Right after the insulation has been installed, and before dry-walling you will schedule a pre-drywall inspection. During this inspection we will check the home for proper insulation installation, framing techniques, air sealing, and draft blocking using the Energy Star Thermal Enclosure Checklist. The ductwork will also be inspected to ensure that it is sealed in accordance with the Energy Star HVAC Quality Installation Checklist. One of the major purposes of the pre-drywall inspection is to set the home up to pass the diagnostic testing that takes place at final inspection (i.e. blower door and duct blaster air testing).
Final Inspection: The second inspection will happen around the time when the home is ready for occupancy. We will perform a duct blaster and blower door test to ensure the leakage of HVAC systems and the building shell meet Energy Star standards. We will also verify the installation of all items which affect the HERS Index and Energy Star compliance (HVAC equipment, Mechanical Ventilation, Appliances, domestic hot water, lighting, etc.).
Final Verification/Checklists/Rebate: After each of the two inspections have been completed, we will email the reports to all parties involved (i.e. the Site Superintendent), and whoever else on the construction team requires the information. Back in our office we will begin the final verification process. Here we will input all the field collected data back into the projected energy model to produce a final verified file for each individual home. The home will receive its final HERS score, and once we have received the two checklists required from the construction team; the Water Management checklist from the builder and HVAC Contractor checklist from the HVAC contractor; we will review all the documents and issue Energy Star labels and certificates for homes that have met all requirements. At this time the home will also be submitted for any rebates to which the builder or homeowner might be entitled.
New Jersey: Current Energy Star rebates are available to home buyers or builders whose newly constructed or fully gut rehabbed home is built to meet the requirements of the New Jersey Energy Star Program. The amounts are tiered, based on the homes final HERS score. Once the final paperwork is sent to the market manager it typically takes 12 weeks to receive the rebate check.
HERS Score | Single Family | Multi-single Units | Multi-family Low Rise Units |
75-71: | $2,250 | $1,687.50 | $1,125 |
70-66: | $2,500 | $1,875 | $1,250 |
65-61: | $2,750 | $2,062.50 | $1,375 |
60-56: | $3,000 | $2,250 | $1,500 |
55-51: | $3,250 | $2,437.50 | $1,625 |
50-0: | $3,500 | $2,625 | $1,750 |
Delaware: The Delaware Green for Green program offers rebates between $1,000 and $4,500 to the BUYERS of new homes located in areas close to existing infrastructure (i.e. utilities, roads, schools, etc.). The builders are entitled to reimbursement fees of up to $500 to cover application costs. The rebates can be attained through various combinations of LEED, NGBS (Formerly NAHB Green), Energy Star, and HERS score.
For more information on the Energy Star program, please call EAM at 732-556-9190 ext 219